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Experienced Estate, Corporate, and Tax Lawyers Serving Virginia and North Carolina.

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Can a Beneficiary Have Money Withheld by a Trustee?
Are you a beneficiary of a trust? If so, you may spend a significant amount of time waiting as someone else takes care of …
How Long Do Creditors Have to Make a Claim Against an Estate
| Ann H. Larkin | Probate
Many people assume that creditors have one year from the date of death to make a claim against an estate. However, in Virg…
Guide to the Probate Process and How It Works
Probate, the official process of authorizing a will, can take several months to a couple of years. If you have a large est…
Transferring a Property With a Mortgage Into a Trust
Most of the population who own homes are not yet “free and clear.” If you own one or multiple homes, when doing your estat…
Domestic Partners Estate Planning in Virginia
If you and your significant other are unmarried but live together, it is essential to know that you are not receiving the …
Power of Attorney Fiduciary Duties
A power of attorney (POA) is a document used in estate planning that gives someone agent’s authority to make decisions for…
How an Asset Protection Trust Protects Your Assets
No matter how much money, real estate, and other assets you own, one of your goals will always be to protect those assets …
Crypto Assets Estate Planning in Virginia
Cryptocurrency has existed in various forms since the 1980s, but it only became widely popular about a decade ago. Now, th…
How To Fund Revocable Trusts At Death And Avoid Probate
How property is titled determines in large part the manner in which that property will be transferred upon the owner’s dea…
How Estate Planning Works
Life Insurance, Annuities & Trusts
For most families, life insurance is an important tool in an estate plan. Its uses …
What You Should Know About Limited Liability Companies
Who can benefit most from an LLC?
Generally speaking, everyone who is engaged in business or in a professional practice as…
The Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
Most clients are shocked to learn that the death proceeds of their life insurance are subject to federal estate taxation. …